Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 11 Lunch With Barnabas

I know what you're thinking. What's a word like 'lunch' doing in a fasting and prayer blog? Actually, this particular fast I am doing a partial fast, abstaining from two meals per day. For those of you doing a full fast, please forgive any suggestion of food!

This past August, Cheryl and I stopped at a store we had never been in before in a town we rarely visit.  I was looking for something specific and didn’t find it.  As I was walking out, I heard a voice call my name.  I turned around and was instantly reunited with a college classmate I had not seen since we graduated in 1974.  Surprised would be an understatement of my emotions! 

We have now stayed in touch and today I found out why God brought him back into my life.  He is a biblical Barnabas. Barnabas was a New Testament convert better known for being the Apostle Paul’s traveling companion.  But he was something more important than that!  Why would Paul take him on his ministry travels?  Acts 4:36 answers that question by giving the meaning of Barnabas’ name: “Son of Encouragement”.  Yes, even the spiritually powerful Paul needed encouragement in his life and the Holy Spirit was gracious enough to give him Barnabas.

The question could be asked, "Does God still have people with the ministry of encouragement in His church today?" 
Of course!  I know--I had lunch with Barnabas today!  We sat together and he poured into my life words of encouragement and affirmation.  He said meaningful things that spoke to my circumstances--things he couldn’t have known because I’d shared them only in my devotional time with my Savior.  But God knew how to lift my spirits, so He sent me a Barnabas.

Have you ever thought God might want to use you as a Barnabas to someone?  Have you found yourself in the presence of someone and the Holy Spirit prompted you to speak edifying words to them?  Words to affirm their character. Words to help them handle a very difficult situation. Words of praise for them for keeping their cool when they could have given someone a piece of their mind.

We don’t know if Barnabas ever preached a sermon, but we do know he was a friend to one who preached a lot of them. Men and women of position and influence may seem powerful in your eyes, but they are just as human as you are and need encouragement from time to time, just like you do. Never forget, no man is an island.

When you’re praying, be sensitive enough to ask the Holy Spirit if someone you know needs a Barnabas. When He speaks that person's name, then go, be a “Son [or Daughter] of Encouragement"!

I’ll meet you at the Throne,
Pastor George

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