Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Worrywart or Hold the Fort?

Worry is just as addictive as any substance!  People with this addiction are called worrywarts.
If you are one, then the logical question would be how do you break the habit?  What power can release these chains that bind the heart and soul?  How can you go from being a worrywart to one who holds the fort?
Simple!  Follow Paul’s advice and learn to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17).  I know what you’re thinking; when we don’t know what to do we throw a Bible verse at the situation.  
Trust me that’s not my answer nor should it be the soul answer to any question.  Paul’s three word counsel to “pray without ceasing” froths with wise wisdom.  He is suggesting that when worry comes, and it does and will, we turn our worries into prayers.
There must be a progression into learning how to pray about everything all the time.  So how do we do it? 
You are already praying about the big stuff keep doing it.
But don’t stop there; add to your prayers the smaller things of life like anything you are doing in the daily routine.
When you find yourself praying about all the things you’ve arrived and you’re praying without ceasing!
No, I’m not naive!  Simple steps require, at times, complex decisions.  Praying all the time will NOT stop the temptation to worry so here’s my counsel.  Next time you find yourself tempted to worry or actually doing it learn to make that your spiritual fire alarm system.  When you hear the horn, start praying!

Why not stop wasting your worries and choose to recycle them into prayers. 

I’ll meet you at the throne,

Pastor George

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