But, have you ever thought of fasting as a joyous event, one you are privileged to do? For that matter, have you felt that way about any spiritual discipline? If the word discipline is attached, then for most of us, it sounds unattractive, boring and unbeneficial. This morning, the Holy Spirit reminded me of Hebrews 12:2-3, “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the JOY set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.”
Is this verse saying what I think it's saying, that Jesus saw joy in the cross? That He accepted the cross as a good thing? He wasn’t finding joy in comfort and ease, but in doing the will of His Father!
Wow, that changes some things for me! If giving up life’s luxuries (food, time, pleasures, cookies and ice cream, extra sleep) can bring joy, I want that kind of attitude. Fasters can easily begin to feel we’re “super saints” because of our willpower to say ‘no’. Sometimes, I have had the random thought, “How fortunate God is to have me,” and all the time doing my spiritual duty in a less than joyous way. My focus has been on my sacrifice for His service, rather than the attitude of Jesus who, for joy, endured.
Fasting, for me, is doing more than just counting days and intensifying my prayer and meditation. It’s confronting my humanity driven by my fleshly desire to be comfortable and content. I don’t want to end these 21 days with the feeling, "I made it!" I want these 21 days to awaken a spiritual part of me that I have never touched before, releasing a greater faith and joy in my life, marriage and ministry. The Holy Spirit is telling me it’s time to move from a desire for comfort to a readiness to bear a painful cross when required. I will do it gladly because I've learned through fasting and prayer to not allow anything to make me grow weary and lose heart.
I’ll meet you at the Throne,
Pastor George
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