On my way to church this morning, the four lanes of traffic on I-4 were at a crawl. I looked over at the car next to me and the young woman behind the wheel was texting. We are a society of people who want instant communication. Like thousands of others, I don’t feel I can wait for news of any kind, regardless of where I am when I hear the bing of my iPhone, letting me know more news has arrived.
As I listened to the voice of the Holy Spirit in my heart during my quiet time early today, the Spirit reminded me through the Word how God “texts” truth to me by His Spirit on many occasions. However, I don't always check the messages. My problem? I’m often more interested in what people around me have to say rather than what God is trying to say!
Hear God’s texts:
· “Listen to my voice, and hold fast to him.” Deuteronomy 30:20
· “Let the wise listen…” Proverbs 1:5
· “Everyone should be quick to listen…” James 1:19
As I’m quieting my spirit, I want to heed the words of Eli to young Samuel. God was speaking, but Samuel wasn’t connecting. The man of God’s counsel was for Samuel to say; “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening” (1 Sam. 3:9).
God is speaking! Am I listening? Fasting will help you clarify His voice and make you more attentive to His TEXT!
I’ll meet you at the Throne…
Pastor George
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