Thursday, February 28, 2013

Discovering the Whole Truth

Welcome to truth road sign
“When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth.   John16:13

I’ve discovered there are many truths in the Bible that people have not handled correctly. That’s because they have not taken the time to look at that particular truth from a different side. By doing so, they in essence only have “half the truth”. There is often another side of the truth that God is trying to reveal. Let me give you just one example of many.

Let me give you just one example of many. Take the second half of 2 Corinthians 10:5:
“…we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

So what’s only half the truth you ask? Let me ask you a question. Every time you have heard this verse preached, taught or recited, has it been in reference to taking captive negative thoughts or positive thoughts? Negative, right!? Yes, generally “every thought” is presumed to be a negative or sinful thought when that verse is taught.

Let me suggest that understanding is only half of the truth Paul is making. Can you see a positive side? Another question, is every thought you have a bad one? Of course not, then why do we always see the negative side?

While I’m on a roll, let me ask one more question that might help us put this into the correct perspective. Is the cross where Jesus died a negative or positive place for both Him and us? If you view the cross as only a place of death then you would say the cross is negative, but that’s not how God saw it.

God our Father understood that the only way to beat death was to experience death and then conquer it through resurrection. No one had ever done that, but then there has never been nor ever will be One like Jesus Christ.

Back to my original thought. There are many of you who have had many great thoughts where the enemy has convinced you that you are nothing more than your own wishful thinking. God would never inspire anything that carnal. So, you’ve lost your dream and buried your talent on half of the truth.  

If you had negative thoughts that need to be taken captive (so that you will not live in disobedience) that’s one thing. But if you’ve had thoughts that have divine inspiration written all over them, that’s quite another. Are you going to live on limited insight or on the whole Truth?

What you do in your circle on our march to Easter is up to you and God. But please, don’t limit Him based on a half-truth. Play out whatever God has said to be sure you are living the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!

I’ll meet you at the Throne, 

Pastor George 

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