Friday, August 9, 2013

Our New Ministry with Vision Orlando--JOIN US!

For 40 years we've walked beside many of you and your families and have often been told, "Pastor George and Cheryl, if there's anything we can ever do for you..."
Now, here's your opportunity...
Dear Friends,

As many of you know, at the beginning of this year the Lord made it clear He had achieved through Cheryl and me what He sent us to Calvary Assembly in Orlando, Florida to accomplish.  In response to the leading of the Holy Spirit, we resigned in March after nearly eight years of ministry there. But our burden and heart for Orlando has not changed!

Like Abraham, we were called to leave Ur(church pastoral ministry), not knowing where He was sending us. But when God ordains our steps, our only spiritual response must be obedience, even when it looks and feels different to what we have ever known.  Cheryl has said, “If you’re Abraham, then I’m Sarah.”  She is also an ordained minister, and is trusting God to reveal her ministry role in this new season, as we have always worked side-by-side in our 40 years of ministry.

So, what's next? 
I have accepted the invitation to serve as a faith-supported, full-time servant with Vision Orlando (V.O.),       a Central Florida non-denominational ministry founded over 20 years ago by a few concerned local pastors and Dr. Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ (now known as Cru) and Dr. Steve Clinton, V.O. President.  
Vision Orlando exists to bring the Body of Christ together in our city for the purpose of uniting community and ministry leaders. The goal is to come together to seek God’s presence and to see Christ's church revived and our communities transformed.  The desire is to develop networks and join together to plan community-wide evangelism and discipleship initiatives, expecting the Holy Spirit to move and impact our city and world.
Previously, I served for six years on the board of Vision Orlando with Dr. David Uth of First Baptist Orlando, Dr. Joel Hunter of Northland, and Rev. Anthony Clark of Cathedral Church of St. Luke. Now, I have been asked to assume an executive role as Pastors’ Director. In addition to leadership development and pulpit ministries, I will build a pastors’ network, form a Pastors’ Council and spearhead and raise funds for new citywide evangelism and discipleship initiatives. Cheryl and I will also serve as ambassadors at various community ministry events and outreaches. Simply put, our roles will be as Servants to the City.
We need prayer partners, monthly supporters and financial investors. You will reap the same reward when you partner with us as we serve on our new mission field together through Vision Orlando.
Raising up our own prayer partners and financial support team is new territory for Cheryl and me, and a tremendous challenge. But like David, we are refusing to give to God that which costs us nothing! We are asking you to do the same. Thank you for seeking the Lord on how He would have you come alongside us in any of the following ways:
We need praying people to stand in the gap for us daily. Knowing how to pray is critical if you are going to be effective, so we’ve included a prayer card at the bottom of this blog post. Thank you for covering us daily in prayer! 
Any Kingdom-sized harvest of souls requires significant investment.  I am charged with the responsibility to raise the funds for the ministry operating budget needed to expand Vision Orlando. These budget items include administrative expenses, ministry resource materials, travel, and funding for citywide evangelism, discipleship and prayer initiatives. 5% will go to Vision Orlando who will handle the financial accounting and receipting of all funds raised. I am challenging 100 people to invest $1000.
No one walks into faith-supported ministry, you must be launched. I am currently receiving no salary and am responsible to raise my own financial support, which is included in the ministry operating budget. I need a launch team of monthly supporters to cover our basic personal monthly expenses. No monthly gift is too small or too big, and we are asking individuals and groups to partner with us by giving a monthly gift of $25, $50 or $100 or more!  Please send/give your first donation directly to us with a completed pledge card (SCROLL DOWN FOR PLEDGE CARD) We will make sure you are receipted for a tax deduction by Vision Orlando. Checks should be made out to Vision Orlando. Please write George Cope on the subject line.
The Lord has already begun to bring by our side advocates with a heart for Jesus and for us. They have provided office space for me and administrative and technical support. We also need advocates to help us dialogue (over a meal, or just over coffee) to introduce us to potential donors to invest in our ministry.
Can we count on you to come alongside with us in any of the ways listed above? However the Holy Spirit leads you, whatever is accomplished, you will share in the reward!
God’s Richest Blessings,
Dr. George and Cheryl Cope
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