If I asked you to preach an Easter message, what would your theme be? I’m not a betting man but if I were I would bet you two double cheeseburgers that your theme would be resurrection! Right?
Ever paid close attention to the theme of both the angel andJesus when they met the two Mary’s at the tomb? Why not check it out for yourself (Matt. 28:5, 10; Mark 16:6).
Their message was NOT He is Risen but “fear not.” Both the angel and Jesus address the humanityof the women and later the disciples all of which evidenced in fear.
When we aren’t sure of something we will cross our fingersin a sign of hopefulness that it will occur. I’m sure Mary and Mary didn’t have their fingers cross but there musthave been enough doubt and outward anxiety on their countenance that wouldwarrant both messengers to offer supportive words of hope in a most anxiousmoment.
Fear, according to John, has to do with punishment (1 Jn.4:18). Resurrection reality in our souldrives out any fear that has set up resistance to divine plans and order. Fear can and will keep us from prayer. Fearing God unwillingness to answer will sooften causes prayerlessness.
Many are so afraid of failure that they will not evenattempt to achieve anything for God. It’s as if they believe to failure is to be fatal. What failure is to us is an opportunity forGod. Easter in the eyes of a pagan worldwas failure but Mary and Mary Magdalene found out the duel message of Easter: Our fears are forever destroyed becauseof our Lord’s Resurrection!
Thanks for praying your way to Easter with me. I have enjoyed sharing my insights and soulwith you. I want to thank Mark Battersonfor writing The Circle Maker and allthe revealing truths it has taught me. Please join me in pledging to not stop here but continue to draw yourprayer circle and step in daily.
May you see RAIN like Honi!
May your faith flourish like Honi!
May your heart be forever changed like Honi!
I’ll continue to meet you at the throne,
Pastor George
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