Thursday, March 7, 2013

Divine Appointments

I have never met an angel, or if I have I didn’t know it, nor have I be blinded by a bright light like Saul on the Road to Damascus but I know I’ve had divine appointments in my life.
You have a divine appointment every time you step into your “Honi” circle of prayer!  When you pick up your Bible to read, God is waiting for you.
But there’s even more to divine appointments than angels, prayer and bible reading.  God orchestrates His divine purposes through people!
When I arrived in Orlando January 06 I was deep into research on my doctoral dissertation.  I left the person who had committed themselves to assist me in research back in Rhode Island and didn’t know anyone here.  There was one I knew but they were to over-loaded in their own work to help and referred me to a man named Bert. 
They made the contact and Bert and I met over the phone.  I shared my project theme and my need for assistance in editing.  We met and at the end of our time he agreed to be my guide and editor.
Little did I know Bert had authored at that time thirty two books as well as being a college professor and spiritual director. 
Over the next year we worked weekly and with his tutelage and encouragement I finished the book I had set out to write. 
But the story isn’t over, still today, six years after the project ended we are still close friends and most importantly we meet regularly for prayer together.  Bert was a godsend in my life.  No one could have done for me what he has and the outcome is more than a book, it’s a brotherly relationship I wouldn’t take money or possessions for.  We enjoy something few have in this earthly journey, spiritual intimacy and support without judgment!
God gave me the gift of a friend when I prayed and asked for an editor.  God opened a brand new door that would lead me deeper into my faith and not just someone who was a wordsmith.
Divine Appointments?  You better believe they happen and there just may be one for you if you ask today!
I’ll meet you at the throne,
Pastor George

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