Monday, March 25, 2013


Remnant is a word seldom used these days.  It’s a numerical word without any digits.  No one can tell you how many make a remnant but a remnant can cause a revolution.   Just ask the Moravians!
The Pentecostal church today owes a magnanimous debt of gratitude to this group and their commitment to prayer.  On August 27, 1727, twenty-four men and twenty-four women began a twenty-four hour prayer movement that lasted one hundred years.
The result…the birth of the greatest missionary movement the church has ever known.  Thousands were set apart by the Holy Spirit to be missionaries.  Some even sold themselves into slavery in order to reach their mission filed.
I can’t prove it but there must have been an ancestor to Honi in that group.  They were serious circle makers willing to pray for a century day and night.  That’s how revolutions begin! 
Remnants are normally responsible for revolutions.  It’s not the numbers that matter but the purpose.  We know them in our modern era in political and military matters but the Bible is filled with small groups whose purpose was much bigger than flesh and blood, gold and silver, politics and governments. 
The day of Pentecost is now in our windshield of time.  Pentecost is 56 days from today, the day when 120 (a remnant) of 500 who witnessed Jesus ascend back into heaven and waited ten days for the power from heaven to motivate them outward to the awaiting world.  Fast-forward 2,000 years and here we are!
I’m sorry to say, but if you are looking for a remnant, the best place to find one is at a church prayer meeting.  Few understand the power of waiting in God’s presence for power and provision for the awaiting task.
Please, make a vow today to become a member of God’s praying remnant!  Stay at the throne for more than a few moments and you will discover what the Moravians discovered…God answers with POWER!
I’ll meet you at the throne,
Pastor George        

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