Thursday, March 21, 2013

Breakfast of Champions

I love the taste of honey especially in the morning.  It’s sweet and gooey, a texture my tongue loves.  King David must have loved honey too.  When speaking of his love for God’s word he saw it as tasty: 
“How sweet are Your words to my taste!  Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth.”  (Ps. 119:103)
If you were a six year old boy during Jesus’ day, you were introduced to formal education.  No ordinary building would be good enough, you went to the synagogue and your class was entitled “house of the book.”
Tradition says the very first assignment was eating honey!  The rabbi would take their writing slate tablet and cover it with honey and it became a sort of lollipop they licked until the honey was all gone.
Inquiring minds want to know why?  Honey in ancient times was a symbol of God’s favor.  So their first lesson would become their most memorable one for the rabbi wanted his students to know there was nothing sweeter than the Words of God.     
Clearly, one of the surest ways to get into the presence of God is to get into the Word of God!  There is a simple deduction here, if we get into God’s Word, God’s Word will get into us.
I begin every day this way.  I don’t even drink my coffee first, I read a Psalm, the chapter in Proverbs that corresponds with the date, two chapters in the Old Testament and two in the New Testament.  You talk about a breakfast of champions, that’s it! 
The Words of our God have more spiritual protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals than any substance known to man.  So eat heartily and I can assure you that no sinful fat will form.
I’ll meet you at the throne,
Pastor George

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