Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 13 Brain Gain

How do you know if your fasting has been successful? 
Do your clothes fit better?  Are you fasting more days than ever before?  Have you finally received an answer to a spiritual question?  Maybe all three, and more!  
I would like to attempt to answer the question by returning to God’s Word and focusing on what fasting did for Daniel and his three friends.  Read Daniel Chapter 1 for the back story.
Daniel is in the hostile environment of Babylon because of the sins of his people.  Sin always brings captivity.  But he’s different than most of the captives--he’s  from an elite family and is well-educated (Dan. 1:3). 
Daniel is grouped with other young men who were in the process of being culturally brainwashed to make them an asset to the Babylonian people. King Nebuchadnezzar commissioned special treatment for these outstanding candidates, providing special food and drink from his own table. His provision appealed to the candidates who weren’t willing to do whatever it would take to please the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob while living in a foreign culture.

However, there’s one thing the king didn’t consider--the spiritual, moral and nationalist values of the other candidates, Daniel and his three friends. What made the difference between these two sets of candidates? Fasting made the difference! 

In our day we call what Daniel did 'The Daniel Fast'.  He and his friends abstained from the meat and wine from the king’s table, exchanging them for vegetables and water.  In just one week his fasting produced something the king’s servant thought he would never see!  Rather than their fasting producing pale and thin men they looked healthier and better nourished than those eating from the king's table (Dan. 1:15). 
But, if you stop reading there you miss the real success of their fasting.  Please don’t get stuck on fasting being about food or what you’ve chosen to give up. It’s far more important than that! 
Their success is defined in Daniel 1:17: Here are two things I see in this verse. First, fasting opened their hearts and minds to learn. It’s not just about literature and science but the ability God gave them to understand and become true students. 
“God gave these four young men an unusual aptitude for learning the literature and science of the time.  And God gave Daniel special ability in understanding the meanings of visions and dreams.”
What have you learned about God during these days you didn’t know before you started?  What have you learned about yourself?  Fasting opened their minds and it should be opening ours too for divine revelation and insights.  I’m not saying your IQ will increase, but your spiritual intelligence should be increasing as you search to hear the voice of truth.
If you are struggling in either of these areas, remind God that if He would do that for Daniel, then He can do it for you too.  Be bold in asking and expect growth.    
Secondly, Daniel was also given the spiritual gift of understanding the meaning of visions and dreams.  In the very next chapter Daniel uses this gift and it elevates him and his friends to the highest offices of leadership in the land. 
Please don’t misinterpret what I’m saying.  I am not saying that if you fast God will make you automatically smarter than you are.  What I am saying is that during the fast God knew the revelation and intellectual ability that Daniel would need and He graciously opened his mind and provided the right gifts so he would be effective. 
And God knows what you need during these days of self-surrender! He wants you to be successful and will use these days to increase the spiritual level of your soul.
I’m excited for you!  I can’t wait to hear what God did during your days of fasting!  One thing for sure I’m expecting for you is greater spiritual intelligence. May God grant it to you today!

I’ll meet you at the Throne,
Pastor George

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