Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 10 Cat Got Your Tongue?

I wish I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard a follower of Jesus tell me why they can’t share their faith with a stranger.  Their reason is normally fear, and then they ask, “What would you say?”  
Jesus knew his followers would be faced with just that scenario and He told them exactly what to do.  You’ll find His words (in red) in Mark 13:10-11: Now don’t get worried, going to jail isn’t probable for us, but what Jesus said would happen in their defense is the same thing that will happen when you are sharing your personal spiritual journey with a friend.
“And the Good News must first be preached to every nation.  But when you are arrested and stand trial, don’t worry about what to say in your defense.  Just say what God tells you to.  Then it is not you who will be speaking, but the Holy Spirit.” 
What can we take from that? Don't let the cat get your tongue! Let the Holy Spirit speak!  Often we find ourselves too concerned about appearances, what people will think of us and our ability to share rather than what’s really important--your story of personal transformation.  When we are more concerned with what others say about us than what the Spirit says through us we are in dangerous territory.  Jesus was simply saying, When you pray today, I challenge you to spend some serious time praying for opportunities to present Jesus through your life story.  When the door opens, trust the Holy Spirit to speak the exact words that the person needs to hear. Then rest in the fact that God loves them more than you could ever possibly love them and wants to see their lives changed, just as He did with yours. 
"Just say what God tells you to say.  Don’t be concerned with your reputation. It’s God’s reputation which is at stake, not yours!”
Fast and pray for an explosion of evangelism to occur in Orlando.  Trust the Spirit to prompt divine appointments.  Pray that our Harvesting Lord will send labors with a readiness to “just say what God tells you to” and see what the Holy Spirit will do.
It will be worth whatever you’ve fasted and pray for to see a life saved and changed by the power of God!
I’ll meet you at the Throne,
Pastor George

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