Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 17 Spiritually Jealous

I love compliments, and so do you! 

Words of affirmation that stroke the spirit with assurance of how others feel about us never get tiring.  But we don't want to go fishing for it.  Never make a statement about yourself to generate a positive response.  If compliments come, then let them; but don’t be insecure by seeking them.

Compliments tend to come because people notice acts of kindness or generous offerings from a sincere heart of concern.  We all like and want compliments, but are we willing to give them? When you see commendable actions and characteristics in others, you should endorse them with verbal affirmation.

In my daily Bible reading this morning, three times in two chapters I came across how God felt about Daniel, with a specific compliment spoken to him.  Check it out in Daniel 9:23; 10:11, 19 (New Living Translation).  The compliment:

“Daniel, you are very precious to God.” 

I became very aware God wanted to reveal something to me about this when I read it.  Sitting quietly, the Holy Spirit prompted me with the question, ‘Why would God say that about Daniel?’  So I began to review Daniel’s life from the beginning, and here’s what I found:
  • He had a great heart for God as a young man.
  • Fasting and prayer were already a part of his early faith disciplines.
  • God observed these qualities and honored him for them.
  • Prayer and fasting was a sustaining discipline throughout his leadership, even in difficult times.
  • Daniel prayed three times a day every day facing Jerusalem, which showed his love and respect for God’s holy city.
  • His faith didn’t waver in a foreign land under foreign laws and culture.
  • He didn’t compromise when facing death in the lion’s den.
  • Under the three kings he served, he remained the same person, kept the same priorities, and never compromised.
  • He was willing to humble himself and repent of his own sins and the sins of Israel.
  • He was willing to be used by God to interpret dreams and visions given to evil kings and with destructive outcomes.
  • He was bold and never ashamed of his heritage as a Jew and man of God.
  • Like King David, Daniel was “a man after God’s heart.”
How many of these qualities do you and I possess?  Yes, the Word tells us we are all precious in God's sight, but not everyone in scripture had this compliment specifically spoken to to them.  As I concluded my quiet time, I found these qualities making me spiritually jealous!  I asked the Holy Spirit to work in such a way in my life that I would reflect such a faithful life like Daniel's that God could say the very same thing to me.

The prayer and fasting we’re doing together is noticed by God, will bring great dividends, and possibly a divine compliment!

I’ll meet you at the Throne,
Pastor George 

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